Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Commitment to CSR

Our commitment to CSR
At an early stage in its existence Bumblebee Tech started engaging in a CSR framework. The objective of the CSR program is to reconcile economic development with ethical and moral principles. By actively addressing this within the culture of the company, Bumblebee Tech demonstrates its commitment to promoting human rights and labour conditions, preserving natural resources and working against corruption.
The management has undertaken to implement a group-wide program to develop a sustainable and consistent roadmap under a global policy. This project emphasizes Bumblebee Tech’s dedication to fulfilling its environmental and social responsibilities.
The program is executed at both global and local levels, enabling continuous progress in close liaison with customers, suppliers and partners. Bumblebee Tech foresees that ongoing, environmentally targeted improvement endeavours across its processes will lead to greater performance efficiencies in both its manufacturing and office facilities.
Bumblebee Tech is pledged to a list of key action points, the results of which will be continually assessed and incorporated as best practice throughout the organization.
As a first result of the CSR initiative Bumblebee Tech has passed the ECOVADIS CSR Audit,  which it passed with a score far over and above the required thresholds.

Process and Methodology

The EcoVadis methodology is at the core of our CSR analysis system, covering 21 criteria across four themes of Environment. Fair labor pratices, ethics/fair business pratices, ethics/fair business pratices, and supply chain.
The methodogy is built on international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiatice, the united Nations Global Compact, and the ISO 26000, covering 150 spend categories and 140 countries.


Bumblebee’s CSR action plan

Bumblebee Tech is pledged to a number of key action points, the results of which will be continually assessed and incorporated as best practice throughout the organization.
Resource Use & Carbon Footprint
Reduce energy consumption per production unit by 5% per year and with that total emissions of CO2 (tons of CO2 per production unit) by 5%,
  • For production plants in areas with bad grid a smart production plan is used to avoid specific operating hours and with that reduce the use of alternative power-sources as Gensets
If and where applicable reduce water consumption per production unit by 5% per year.
Ensure that all of our operations meet legal and regulatory requirements at all times, Adopt recognized environmentally-friendly best practices, where appropriate to our operations.
Management & Systems
Implement a formalized Environmental Management System by achieving ISO14001 certification of our manufacturing sites by the end of 2016, Integrate environmental management with occupational health, safety, quality and security systems throughout the organization, Ensure roles and responsibilities for environmental management are defined and maintained at all levels of the organization.
Environmental Risk Management
Identify and understand environmental risks and potential impacts through effective centralised management; new product designs, the qualification of new materials and the purchase of new or replacement equipment.
Pollution Prevention & Control
If applicable reduce use of solvents, Eliminate solvent-based inks and replace them with aqueous-based inks, Reduce non-hazardous landfill waste by 25%.
Product Design
Provide innovative and realistic approaches to the development of alternative technologies, materials and products in the market place, Evaluate new product designs against targets for energy consumption, pollution and risk, Ascertain together with our customers the environmental benefits and impacts associated with the design and manufacture of their products.
Monitoring & Review
Review our objectives to ensure they remain relevant and appropriate to the nature of our activities and that they promote continuous performance improvement, Measure progress against policy targets and communicate publicly through a range of channels including our Annual Report.
Involve employees around the world in the realisation of the project and support local initiatives, Incorporate a process of internal communication and dedicated training, Collaborate with our customers and suppliers to identify opportunities for improvements in environmental performance, and support common goals